Order Display

Please note that adding items to your cart does not constitute an actual order. To place an order, please follow the order guide.

Order Guide

Please purchase a ticket at the ticket vending machine. Please select the red frame for the ticket to purchase for the product you have selected.


Please show this screen to the staff or use the Audio Reading.

Convert this order into Japanese speech.

Order Guide

  • 1.
    請操作“More Japan”,查看菜單(商店頂部→菜單),然後將訂單添加到購物車。
  • 2.
  • 3.
    操作「More Japan」並向工作人員展示訂單螢幕,或點擊「More Japan」對話畫面上的對話按鈕並告訴他們您的訂單詳細資料。
  • 4.
  • 5.
    如果您想在用餐時點其他菜品,請使用“More Japan”決定您要點的其他菜餚,然後與工作人員聯繫。
  • 6.