Order Display

Please note that adding items to your cart does not constitute an actual order. To place an order, please follow the order guide.

Order Guide

Please purchase a ticket at the ticket vending machine. Please select the red frame for the ticket to purchase for the product you have selected.


Please show this screen to the staff or use the Audio Reading.

Convert this order into Japanese speech.

Order Guide

  • 1.
    Operate "More Japan", check the menu (Store Top→Menu), and add the contents of your order to the cart.
  • 2.
    Please call our staff with the bell located at your seat. If the restaurant is crowded, it may take some time for a staff member to arrive.
  • 3.
    Please show the order screen to our staff through "More Japan" or tap the "Talk" button on the "More Japan" chat screen and tell us the details of your order.
  • 4.
    Our staff will wait for you to be seated when your items are ready. Please wait for a few minutes.
  • 5.
    If you would like to order additional food during your meal, please determine what you would like to order in the "More Japan" section and ask a staff member to help you.
  • 6.
    When a staff member asks for your order, please show your "More Japan" screen to the staff member again, or tap the Talk button on the "More Japan" talk screen and tell the staff member the details of your order.